
Gluc-Cog Comprehensive Table

Variable Name Type Description Levels
Subject_Code chr ID of each participant  
Condition chr Drink Type Sugar, Artificial Sweetener, Water
Session_Time chr Testing Time Short Visit, Long Visit 0-min PC (glucOnly.csv), Long Visit 20-min PC, Long Visit 60-min PC
Order chr Order of Visits Short Visit First, Treatment Visit First
Test_Type chr Type of Test Completed 5 Tests: AVL, LSWM, OSD, PCPS, PSM
Std_Score chr Standardized Test Score  
Raw_Score dbl Raw Test Score  
BGC dbl Blood Glucose Concentration  
Height dbl Subject Height (cm)  
Weight dbl Subject Weight (kg)  
BMI dbl Subject Body Mass Index  
VAT_Rank dbl The in-sample VAT value ranking  
Cog_Series int Order that tests were completed 1-10
Sex chr   Male, Female
Age int Age in years  
Years_of_Education int Education in years  
Race chr    
Medications lgl Participant takes prescriptions 1, 0
Married lgl Participant is married 1, 0
Employed lgl Participant is employed 1, 0
If_employed_number_hours int Employment hours per week  
Date_visit_short date Date for baseline visit  
Lean_Mass_g dbl Lean muscle mass (g)  
fat_mass_g dbl Body fat mass (g)  
BMD_g_cm dbl Bone mineral density (g/cm^3)  
BMC_g dbl Bone mineral count (g)  
percent_fat dbl Body fat percentage  
android_percent dbl Android fat percentage  
gynoid_percent dbl Gynoid fat percent  
VAT_g dbl Visceral Adipose Tissue (g)  
VAT_volume dbl Visceral Adipose Tissue (g/cm^3)  
Date_visit_Long date Date for treatment visit  
VAS_like dbl Likeness score  
VAS_sweet dbl Sweetness score  
VAS_sour dbl Sourness score  
VAS_color dbl Color score  
Percent_solution_consumed dbl Amount of solution consumed (usually 100%)  
Comments str Additional comments about participant  
Exp_Strips lgl Were participant BGC measurements recorded with expired glucose strips? TRUE, FALSE
No_Data lgl Was there missing data? TRUE, FALSE
Non_Matching lgl Was any body composition metrics not evaluated correctly? TRUE, FALSE
DateFinished date Date of last visit  

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